Firm Culture

Twenty-Four Hundred Hours

I spoke to two law firm partners this week, both of whom told me that their hourly expectation was 2,400 hours per year, consisting of 2,000 billable hours and 400 non-billable hours (administration, firm events, continuing education, business promotion, and mentoring).

I set about to do some math and determine how many hours these people have to spend on their mental and physical health and personal relationships. The law firms are all advertising their  mental health initiatives, so I knew that it would be substantial!

Firm Culture

Chasing Unicorns: Changing Law Firm Culture

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”  

        Peter Drucker

Back when I was a Managing Partner in a law firm, I did not think  nearly enough about law firm culture. I really should have, but not only because it is the secret to business success. No, I should have thought more about firm culture because it is a crucial factor in whether or not lawyers are happy in their jobs, and as we all know, many of them are not very happy.

Firm Culture

How Strong Are Your Roots?

The image that accompanies this post is of a massive tree in the forest behind my house which came down in a storm, bringing down another tree, which brought down a third. As you can see, the root system was wide, but shallow.

These trees might have looked majestic, but when force was applied, their roots proved to be too weak to hold up their weight.

Firm Culture

When The Time Comes, Get The Hell Out

The worst partners meeting that I ever attended ended with me storming out, telling one of my partners to fuddle-duddle off (not in those exact words), and threatening to leave the firm. I was the managing partner and highest earning partner at the time. You would think that I should have been happy.

Firm Culture

A Sweeter World?

I was speaking to a university student the other day who I will call Lara.  Lara told me that she occasionally has a super nice dinner at her friend Kim’s expense.

It seems that sometimes Kim meets a Sugar Daddy who treats her to a nice meal at a fine restaurant. Kim is just a little bit nervous about meeting strange men for dinner, so she has Lara come to the restaurant, sit at a nearby table, and keep an eye on her.

Firm Culture

How Quickly My Good Idea Becomes Your Great Idea

Now and then I will tell a story about something that I did back in the day when my wife Maureen and I practiced at the same law firm. Typically my story involves a brilliant legal strategy that I developed, a big win, and a grateful client.

Occasionally Maureen will observe, “how quickly my good idea becomes your great idea.” Her point, I guess, is that she was the brilliant one and I just took her idea and ran with it. It could have happened that way. It was a long time ago and it really is not in my interest to remember the details that clearly.

Firm Culture

Is Someone Out to Get You?

“Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you.”

      Joseph Heller

In some law firms there are politics among the Partners. Someone wants to be the managing partner or to win the compensation committee contest, and they need to win friends and influence people to get what they want.

I know, I know. You cannot believe it. This may be true in other firms, but certainly not in your firm.

In your firm, all of the Partners respect each other and support each other. They never talk behind each other’s back. They are hard on the issues and soft on the people. They certainly do not form cliques, count votes, or solicit support between meetings to win votes at the Compensation Committee or the Executive Committee.

Firm Culture

Believe Them the First Time

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” 

Maya Angelou

I have observed that in the legal profession there are a great number of pitifully unhappy folks whose irrational hopefulness is downright impressive in a kind of twisted and sad way.

Firm Culture

The Zero You Deserve is Finally Here

The title of this post is taken from an advertisement for Dr. Pepper’s zero sugar soft drink and is a nifty introduction to the topic of entitlement.

One of my minor pet peeves is advertisements that tell me that I “deserve” things. How do people trying to sell me stuff know what I deserve?  On the other hand, one of my major pet peeves is people who actually believe that they deserve stuff – especially when they have not worked to earn it.

Firm Culture

Real Friends and Friends Light

Most of us consider ourselves to be lucky if we have a handful of real friends. Usually these are people who we know from way back. They know who we really are, and they want nothing from us. If we need them, they will be there for us.  When we get busy with our careers, we sometimes do not speak to them very frequently, but when we see them again it is like no time has passed.