The Mentality and Attitudes of Lawyers


Whoever Dies With The Most Stuff Wins

–David Mitchell

The other day someone asked me why so many lawyers work excessive hours on the road to mental and physical health issues, divorce, and addiction.

The answer is simple. It is greed.

The Mentality and Attitudes of Lawyers

What Does Loyalty Have To Do With It?

“Leadership is a two-way street, loyalty up and loyalty down.”

Grace Murray Hopper

I thought that it might be fun to test my skills as a writer, by writing about two things that have virtually nothing to do with each other.  I considered writing about mosquitos and energy drinks, flags and ostriches, or trees and jet skis.  But I wanted to find things that are irreconcilable, regardless of any possible context. After much thought, I hit upon “loyalty” and “law firms.”

The Mentality and Attitudes of Lawyers

Compelled Speech and the Last Bencher Election

I am retired. I did not have a vote in the last Law Society of Ontario (“LSO”) election, at which party politics showed up for the first time.

Although I did not have a horse in the race, I did follow the nastiness from afar. Various candidates were not satisfied with debating ideas. They found it necessary to vilify their opponents.

The Mentality and Attitudes of Lawyers

Desperately Seeking More (Billable Hours) – Abridged Version

One of the values that drove me for a good long time was the importance of working hard and generating many billable hours.

I have concluded that there are three reasons that many lawyers work long hours. Some do it to serve their clients well.  Others do it because they are workaholics. And finally, there are those who work all of the time because they are ambitious and they want to earn a lot of money. What all of these lawyers have in common is that they all believe that working hard will make them happy. It does not seem to work for many of them.

The Mentality and Attitudes of Lawyers

There Is Enough Work For Everybody

Someone once told me that if your family is poor when you are twelve years old, then no matter how much financial success you have, you will always be fearful that you might lose it all. On the other hand, the theory goes that if your family was rich when you were twelve years old, then no matter how badly you are doing at any moment, you will likely believe that financial success is around the corner.

The Mentality and Attitudes of Lawyers

Gratitude and The Appreciation Deficit

“I am happy because I’m grateful. I choose to be grateful. That gratitude allows me to be happy.”

~ Will Arnett

The other day I received a private message from a lawyer who I have never met in person. She expressed her appreciation for my contributions to the profession in my retirement and did so in a manner that was warm and sincere. I practically blushed when I read it.  She made my day.

The Mentality and Attitudes of Lawyers

Ordering Off Menu

I like eating out, but I don’t always like what is on the menu. I have been known to explain to the server that I consider a menu to be merely an indication of which ingredients the Chef has in the kitchen, together with samples of some of the ways that they can be assembled. With that information, I often request that they be assembled differently. Lose the beets from the beet salad; lose the feta cheese and replace it with goat cheese; add the spicy pecans from another salad, and so on.

I like to eat a bespoke lunch, and I expect that it may cost me a bespoke price.

The Mentality and Attitudes of Lawyers

Shutting Down The News

I stopped reading the news this week. It has been affecting my mental health. No more scrolling from CNN to Associated Press to Apple News to Google News to National Post, to Jerusalem Post. I am even trying to scroll past posts on Facebook and LinkedIn which address hate around the world.

The Mentality and Attitudes of Lawyers

Emily Two – A Tale about Sun Visors, Money, and Ego

When automobile manufacturers first put vanity mirrors on sun visors, they only put them on the passenger side. Their reasoning was that the passenger was usually a woman who had makeup to apply. The car was being driven by a man and men did not wear makeup.

Why do you figure that the manufacturers eventually started putting vanity mirrors over the driver’s seat? Did they come to believe that men also like to look at themselves in the mirror? Or was it that they suddenly discovered that women also drive cars?

The Mentality and Attitudes of Lawyers

Worrying For Godot

When I practiced law, I worried a lot.  I worried about making a mistake on my files. I worried that I was too busy.  I worried that I was not busy enough.